Deleting a Generator Attribute will affect any and all Attributes and Scenarios using this Generator Type. Are you sure you want to delete this Generator Attribute?
Are you sure you want to delete this property key?
Choose a unique name for this Domain Receiver.
(example: FooReceiver)
Choose a unique name for this Domain Receiver.
(example: FooReceiver)
Are you sure you want to delete this?
Are you sure you want to delete this?
Packaging scenario
A Generator is required for this Attribute to produce data. Click or click Generator window to add one. If you're unsure which Generator to add you can always add one later.
Click Generator window for help.
A receiver is required for this domain to produce data. Click or double click receiver in right area to add one. If you're unsure which receiver to add you can always add one later.
Click receiver window for help.
This will synchronize all Organization's Generator and Generator Attribute descriptions to the master descriptions. Are you sure?
This will synchronize all Organization's Generator Attribute Default Values to the master Default Values. Are you sure?
This will synchronize all Organization's Generator Attribute Simulated Values to the master Simulated Values. Are you sure?
This will synchronize all Organization's Receiver and Receiver Parameter/Properties descriptions to the master descriptions. Are you sure?
Once Generator Attributes are published, you are committing that they are ready for production use. Are you sure you are ready to publish these Attributes?
Once Receiver Parameters are published, you are committing that they are ready for production use. Are you sure you are ready to publish these Parameters?
Once Receiver Property Keys are published, you are committing that they are ready for production use. Are you sure you are ready to publish these Property Keys?
Are you sure you want to activate this Runtime?
Are you sure you want to delete this?